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Friday, November 9, 2012

How To Fix BeEf Framework on Backtrack 5 R3

If you use Backtrack 5 r3, maybe you will find some trouble in Beef Framework when you run it. It won't work by default because it requires some works. The ruby gems need to be properly installed before before you can install and run this framework.

To install the ruby gems required, try this statements on the command line:
First, you must go to the beef directory
- cd /pentest/web/beef
- gem install --user-install bundler
- bundle install

When it's finished,
Just Open the beef installer that located in menu Backtrack -> Exploitation Tools -> Social Engineering Tools -> Beef XSS Framework -> Beef Installer
Then Just wait the process.
If the process has finished, try to open Beef again and it should be run normally.

Source: http://redmine.backtrack-linux.org:8080/issues/796
Note : So sorry if my English not good ^^


  1. thanks alot man that helped me

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. you're welcome..
    glad to hear that :)

  4. I tried your steps above and installation was successful. However when I run beef, I still get errors. I am running BT 5.3

    This is the error:

    /var/lib/gems/1.9.2/gems/gems/term-ansicolor-1.1.0/lib/term/ansicolor.rb:154:in `attributes': can't modify frozen object (RuntimeError)
    from /var/lib/gems/1.9.2/gems/gems/term-ansicolor-1.1.0/lib/term/ansicolor.rb:126:in `respond_to?'
    from /pentest/web/beef/core/ruby.rb:24:in `require'
    from /pentest/web/beef/core/ruby.rb:24:in `'
    from /pentest/web/beef/core/loader.rb:32:in `require'
    from /pentest/web/beef/core/loader.rb:32:in `'
    from beef:42:in `require'
    from beef:42:in `'

    1. I have the same issue and no solution found !

  5. maybe u can try to reinstall it.. i have been experienced like that. after i reinstall it works fine.

  6. hello there, I just wanted to drop you a line saying thank you very much for the beef fix. I only happened upon your page by accident. After spending a the last couple of hours trying different options attempting to fix my problem. like magic I followed what you have here and tada it's all fixed. So Thank you very much! have a great :)

  7. hey y0uzha I tried all those & reinstalled beef multiple times & even backtrack 1 time. Still no good news....What could be the reason, help me
    I am ravi
